Indian Journal of Science Communication (IJSC)
[Current Issue]

Indian Journal of Science Communication (IJSC)
A Half Yearly International Research Journal on Science Communication, the IJSC is brought out by the Indian Science Communication Society and catalyzed by the National Council for Science & Technology Communication.
View Previous IssuesObjective
The objective of the IJSC is to promote and disseminate knowledge and activities in the area of science (technology included) communication, thereby furthering the cause of public understanding of science, IJSC is intended at providing a forum for addressing issues emanating at concept to research level (practical dimensions included), within the purview of science communication. IJSC aims to facilitate the understanding of the process of science communication.
IJSC recognizes the fact that communicating science demands specialized skills and calls for target specific techniques and methodologies. The journal therefore is focused at supporting the efforts of science communicators, researchers, scientists and technologists; scientific and media establishments and professional bodies. This endeavor is to keep them abreast of emerging trends and direct their concerted efforts effectively towards the goals of a science oriented society.
The scope of the journal encompasses all aspects of science communication. IJSC is a semi technical journal and accepts original papers and other original contributions in the form of articles, studies, reviews and reports on innovative concepts. Original communication in English are considered for publications.
IJSC is likely to the interest of the agencies/ organizations/ individuals who have anything to do with science, communication and science communication, particularly science communicators, science centers/ museums, university department of journalism, media organization, news papers, magazines, science cells of AIR/TV etc., and voluntary organizations, including similar organizations/ individuals abroad.
Price per copy/ per issue (printed version):
Inland Rs. 600 (inclusive of postal charges), overseas US $50(inclusive of postal charges). Please contact for individual/ institutional subscriptions. The IJSC is issued in January and July. Online version of Journal is Free-of-cost.
Communication regarding subscription, advertisements, marketing may be addressed to:
The Coordinator, Indian Journal of Science Communication
Indian Science Communication Society
Chandrika Bhawan, 577-D, Near Dandahiya Masjid, Lucknow - 226022, India
Communication regarding contribution for publication should be addressed to :
The Editor, Indian Journal of Science Communication
Prof. (Dr.) Manoj Kumar Patairiya
International Science Writers' Association.