Indian Journal of Science Communication (Volume 1/ Number 2/ July – December 2002)

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Technical Report Writing

Tarun Banerjee
National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR)
Dr. K. S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi -110012

What is so special about technical report writing as to deserve special consideration by scientists and engineers? Unfortunately, too often they look upon report writing as the least important and necessary of their activities.

Consider the following facts:

1. The research work done by a scientist does not count for at all, unless it is put in black and white.

2. Scientists like to have information on paper rather than verbally, so that they can peruse at leisure.

3. When two men with equal technical and other qualifications join an establishment, the one with the ability to write becomes the boss.

4. Eminent scientists, besides being outstanding in their own fields what sets them apart is their ability to write extremely well. This single quality has helped them immensely in their career growth.

These facts prove beyond doubt the importance of writing ability i.e., technical report writing for scientists and technologists.

Format of technical report writing

A technical report is the one that conveys certain specific (technical) information to a specific set of readers. So the format will depend upon the type of technical information as well as the set of readers you have in mind. It is impossible to lay down a hard and fast layout for technical report writing. A general framework can however be loosely given as below, from which the relevant headings can be utilized.

Title of report
Identification marks
Circulation list
Preface/ Foreword
Table of contents with page numbers
Abstract/ Summary
Body of the report
Conclusions/ Recommendations/ Proposals
References/ Bibliography
Glossary of technical terms
Tables/ Illustrations

It should be brief but not too brief. It should be able to convey what the report is about. It should contain the most important keywords in the report. For example :

‘Effect of Indium Impurity on the Photoconductivity of Amorphous SeTe’

Names of authors, addresses, date of submission, subject classification, serial number of report, etc., are required to identify the report for retrieval purposes.

It is compulsory in some organizations, so that they can know where a particular information can be got. This is not always necessary.

Preface is a short introduction to the report stating the subject and scope of the report written by the author. Sometimes it also contains acknowledgement of help received from certain quarters in writing the report. A foreword is similar to preface, but written by a person other than the author. Seldom a preface/ foreword is carried in a report.

A small report need not have a table of contents, but a big report must have one, with page numbers indicated for various sections. The authors have to use their discretion to decide, whether to have a table of contents or not.

This item is very essential, unless the report is very short. An abstract should contain the essence of the work presented in the report. The work done along with the result obtained and conclusions in brief should be contained, in not more than 250 words. A summary, however, is the representative of the whole report touching upon every aspect of the paper and can be relatively bigger than an abstract. At times, in case of a large report, both can be present and the summary can be pushed back to the end of the report.

It begins with a statement of what the report is about, followed by background information such as sequence of past events with full reference details, leading to the present problem and its importance. Finally the readers should be informed as to how you propose to develop the subject under study.

Issues outlined in the introduction is elaborated in this section. In case of a theoretical development of the study, experimentation conducted, instrumentation required, results obtained etc. So this section may have to be further subdivided into several sections and subsections.

Here we notice that although there is a framework for report writing, a hard and fast format is not possible. The report takes shape as per requirement.

The theoretical development and subsequent results obtained are discussed logically in this section. No new information is introduced at this stage. Anything unusual in the data obtained in the form of tables or graphs are discussed here. The graphs need not be described. These have to be presented in a way that they are self-explanatory.

Conclusions/ recommendations/ proposals

Conclusions based on the above discussions are presented in order of their importance. Recommendations are based on these conclusions. However, whether you make recommendations or not and of what kind, depends on for whom the report is meant.

Under this column you acknowledge help received for your study from other persons, permission granted by an authority to use laboratory facility, computer facility, financial help obtained in the form of scholarship or grant, etc.

Rarely is it possible to write a technical report without consulting work of others and taking help from them. A reference to the works consulted, not only gives credit to other workers wherever due, but also enables the reader of the report to go back to the works referred to, if necessary. A bibliography on the other hand is list of books and other publications for supplementary reading. These need not necessarily be referred to in the text.

When the list of references is short, then it can be arranged in the order of their occurrence in the text. Otherwise, for a long list an alphabetical order is preferable for ease of location.

One has to be extremely meticulous in giving references. It should contain sufficient details for ease of location. It should contain authors names with initials, name of the journals, country of origin, volume number, year of publications, pages consulted, and for books also publishers name and address. For the reader looking for a reference, annoyance caused due to faulty details is enormous.

In case of a mathematical report all symbols may be defined under this heading. No separate heading needs be given if only a few symbols have been used.

Nomenclature is followed by the glossary of technical terms, defining all the technical terms in case of a big report. Like nomenclature, it need not be separated out for a small paper.

Tables/ illustrations

These are an integral part of a technical report. These should be located next to where these are referred to in the text. However, for a report where many tables and figures are there, they can be presented at the end after the glossary of terms.

These contain information not directly needed to understand the report. They may contain detailed derivation of certain equations or detailed explanation of certain facts used in the report. When appendices are more then one, they have to be numbered serially.

If the report is very long and contains a large number of keywords, then an index at the end will help. But in most cases, a table of contents in the beginning is sufficient.

Footnotes, as the name suggests appear at the foot of different pages to explain or elaborate certain terms. These should preferably not be used, as they interrupt the reader repeatedly and hampers smooth flow.

Conventions followed in technical report writing

In the format discussed above for writing a technical report, at every stage a set of conventions is followed, at times for the sake of convenience and at times for consistency. We will discuss these now as the rule of thumb.

Numbering is done at almost every stage in a technical report, specially where the report is more than a few pages.

All the headings, subheadings and sub-subheadings are numbered serially. These are classified as A-level, B-level headings, etc. and can extend to even F-level in some cases. Generally up to D-level headings are present and these can be numbered as :

A-level 1 1 1
B-level 1.1 (a) 1.1
C-level 1.1.1 (i) (a)
D-level - (i)

Further levels of headings are distinguished by different typefaces and sizes and also by para indentation.

Figures and tables are numbered serially throughout for a small report and chapter wise for a big report. Like for example, Fig. 1.1, Fig. 1.2, Fig 2.1, Fig 2.2, etc. Similarly for tables. This style has the advantage that in case you desire a revision of certain sections, you do not have to change tables. Equations are numbered likewise, serially in a small report and section wise in a large report. These numbers can be put either on the right or on the left of the equation, at a sufficient distance from it, so that it does not get mixed up with the equation itself. When the numbers of references are less, then they are numbered serially in the order of their occurrence in the text. In the text these numbers are marked within brackets as ‘(3)’ or subscripts as ‘\4/’.

In science, at times common nouns contain names of scientists (proper nouns). So it becomes difficult to decide whether they should be capitalised or not. For example, ‘Bunsen burner’ can be written as ‘Bunsen Burner’ or ‘Bunsen burner’ or the way it is written first. It is impossible to decide by argument the correct form, so the golden rule is to follow one system and be consistent. If you write ‘Bunsen burner’ then write ‘diesel engine’. A proper noun tends to drop the initial capital when its use spreads. When in doubt, do not capitalise. However, capitalise figures, tables, volume numbers, chapter numbers, section numbers, etc. in the text, like Figure 5, Table 4.2, Chapter 4, Section 3.2 etc. and it should be consistent.

Abbreviations and symbols used in scientific writing generally contribute to economy of words and also clarity of expression.

A standard international convention may be followed for mathematical symbols, chemical elements and equations and units of physical quantities.

There are no absolute rules for abbreviation, but certain guidelines may be followed for convenience and consistency.

In the text, if a unit follows a numeral, then use an abbreviation, like ‘12 m’, otherwise spell it out, like ‘a few meters’. Do not add a ‘s’ to form plural of the unit in an abbreviation.

A hyphen is used to combine two words to make a single compound word. It is extremely difficult to trace a pattern for hyphenation. Cases having adverb-adjective combinations should not be hyphenated. For example ‘popularly known’, ‘recently acquired’, etc. It is however necessary to be consistent with a particular style. The Oxford English Dictionary is a great help.

In technical report writing, should one write numbers as numerals or as words. It should preferably be decided by the appearance of the text. The text should not look like an enormous equation, full of numbers; nor should important numbers be lost in the text by spelling them out. However, certain rules can be followed:

Do not use numerals at the beginning of a sentence.

Do not use two numbers in succession in a sentence. For example, write ‘24 four-cylinder engines’, and not ‘24 4 - cylinder engines’. Again write ‘thirty 12 cm bolts’, etc.

Do not use numerals for round number estimates or ordinals. For example, write ‘approximately four hundred cars’, or ‘this was the third report’.

Use numerals for all page numbers, dates, figures, diagrams, addresses, etc.

For numbers below ten, use words, i.e. spell them out.

Illustrations convey that information, which cannot be put into words or mathematical expressions conveniently or efficiently. They also give the first visual impact of the report and thus should be prepared aesthetically.

Use as many of them as are absolutely necessary to explain the subject under consideration. Graphs and tables must not duplicate or contradict each other. This effort not only saves space, but also helps make it clutter-free.

Illustrations are either line drawings or photographs. Among line drawings we can have x-y plots, polar diagrams, bar charts, histograms, pie charts, circuit diagrams, computer programme, flow charts, engineering drawings, etc. These are used to satisfy different needs and help of a commercial artist is a must to draw them, in most cases. There are certain do’s and don’ts to follow.

Do not use a grid in the x-y plot.

If there is more than one curve with the same scale on x-axis and y-axis, combine them into one graph. It saves space and facilitates easy comparison.

Two sets of curves with one common axis can also be combined.

Do not leave empty space all around in the graph.

Figures should contain all relevant parameters and the figure captions. It should be self-explanatory.

Photographs should be sharp and contrasty. Labelling within photographs should be done by pasting a patch-marking in one corner.

Lettering must be done using stencil.

Use same symbols, and units in illustrations as in the text.

Tables are used o present data and other information visually in a collected form, which otherwise is difficult or inconvenient to explain in words precisely. A great care is needed to write table headings and column headings, so as to make tables self-explanatory. All data collected need not be presented. Present, only what is necessary to explain the contention of the report. Excess data clutter the report and may confuse the reader.

The English language came first and then grammar was invented to attempt to systematize the language. Indeed, Shakespeare did not need a book on grammar to write his famous plays. English is a dynamic language. Its usage is changing, imperceptibly in many cases, all the time. Fresh words are being verbalised, for example ‘Balkanisation of states’, ‘Thacherisation’, etc. Familiar words are being given an added meaning by daring metaphorical use. However, certain grammatical rules must be observed for obvious reasons, as follows :

The subject and verb must agree. If the subject is singular, verb must be singular and likewise for a plural subject.

Use appropriate conjunctions and prepositions. Use OED and Flowers Modern English usage for the purpose. Consult a standard book of grammar in case of doubt or difficulty.

Style of writing is not some kind of lacquer varnish or paint you apply, or garnish that you add after the writing is over, in order to make the report attractive. It starts at the very conceptualisation stage and depends not only on your relationship with the reader but also on your command on the language. It is not something that can be mastered in a day. It has to be a acquired by hard work – over the years.

Certain tips can be given to improve upon one’s style of writing as follows :

Use short sentences. It makes reading through the report easy.

Do not use too many hard words, so as to improve readability. Robert Gunning has devised an index called ‘Fog Index’ to determine readability of an article. The procedure is, jot down the number of words in a paragraph, up to 100 words approximately, till completion of the sentence. Divide by number of sentences counted. This gives average number of words per sentence. Now count the number of words of three syllables or more in these 100 words avoiding capitalised letters, combination of short and easy words and three syllable words ending in –ed or –es (like created, trespasses. This gives percentage of hard words. Total the two factors and multiply by 0.4 to give a number between 6 and 17. This is ‘Fog Index’. Writings with index below 10 are easy to read and above 12 difficult. This can give an idea of the readability of report.

Keep the paragraphs short. Solid blocks of print wear out the readers meaning clear.

Punctuation should be used only when necessary, in order to make the meaning clear.

Use semicolon sparingly and colons not at all, if you can help it.

Use analogy in explaining a scientific phenomenon. It makes a complex phenomenon appear simple, interesting and easily understandable. For example in ‘Body’s battles’ by Bal Phondke, human body has been compared with the war field.

Think in the language in which you want to write the report. Do not think in your mother tongue and translate in the language of the report. It is very important and by this practice a lot of errors of style can be done away with in one stroke.

Nothing can improve your style of writing than wide reading. Read a lot of books covering all subjects – History, good novels, science fiction, biographies of scientists/statesmen and others.

This habit makes one feel at home in the language and gives a broadness of understanding. This also opens up a storehouse of information from where to draw an analogy to enrich your writing.

  1. Cooper Bruce M, Writing Technical Reports, Pengium Books, Middlessex (England).
  2. Jayatilleke C L V and Sivasegaram S, Technical Report Writing, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi.


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